Alexandra Euglow
Professor Fleury-Lawson
Business and Society
19 September 2011
Professor Fleury-Lawson
Business and Society
19 September 2011
Big Mac: Inside the McDonald’s Empire
After viewing CNBC’s, Big Mac: Inside the McDonald’s Empire, I believe there are many challenges and opportunities that McDonald’s faces. It was 1955, when the first McDonalds opened. McDonald’s key is to “sell the most food” which is both a positive and a negative. McDonald’s does face some challenges, which include the nationwide obesity problem. “More than 9 million children in the U.S. are obese.” There are many critics that have tried to get McDonald’s to change their menu to more contain healthier selections, that is why there are now many salads, snack wraps, fruit cups, yogurt, apple slices, milk, etc. on the McDonald’s menu. All of these choices were made possible by McDonald’s head chef, Dan Crugo. Dan Crugo graduated top of his class at the Culinary Institute of America and has made his way by creating many new and delicious items for the McDonald’s menu. These creations go through very extensive tests that can take years to even get the item on the menu. McDonalds has tried to go healthier by adding these new items, as well as putting all the calories on their website, on all the packaging and on the back of the tray liners. Another problem that McDonalds has faced was in 2002, when they “announced their first ever quarterly loss.” They were mainly opening too many stores and not focusing enough on the stores they had. They realized that change was necessary; they knew they needed “quality” again, so they focused more on their existing stores to make them the best they can be. McDonald’s does face their challenges, just like every other chain or restaurant.
While McDonald’s has challenges, it also has great opportunities. McDonald’s is a well-known name; “Ronald McDonald is #2 only having Santa beating him on being the most recognized face across the country.” McDonald’s is a fast growing business which is spreading across to China and to 30,000 gas stations which was approved in 2006. “McDonald’s sells over 2 million cups of hot coffee a day in the United States.” While McDonalds keeps adding new items to their menu, their main priority will always be their famous hamburgers and French fries. McDonalds has done an amazing job with marketing, they spend $2 billion dollars on advertising. Their commercials and billboards make you want to go and eat there. Plus, there slogan is very catchy, “I’m lovin’ it.” All in all, McDonalds is not going anywhere anytime soon, there is a reason why the “golden arches” are so well known, and it was not by accident.
1 comment:
Samantha MacMillan
I liked how you brought my attention to how McDonalds has seized the advertisement opportunity and has thrived at it. It is so true that many across the world can recognize Ronald McDonald’s face and the “golden arches” that coincide with it very well. Almost everyday, I see a McDonalds commercial on t.v. or hear their radio advertisements in the car for their newest burger creation or new discount deal. The marketers behind the genius advertising are constantly making new logos and creating new and catchy tunes. The techniques they use are very catchy and instantly grab the viewer or listener’s attention. The fact that they can also show as many advertisements everywhere in the world means that the McDonald’s corporation has been successful in marketing their products. It takes a decent amount of money to air one commercial at a specific time on the television. Now imagine all the money they use for multiple commercials not only airing on the t.v. but also on the radio and Internet. I agree that McDonalds is not going anywhere anytime soon.
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