Monday, October 24, 2011

Billy Manzi


Professor Fluery-Lawson

The Global Enterprise: Coca-Cola

How do you market a product that is basically water, coloring, sugar, and some other special ingredients? Simple, you do it with a great marketing scheme, and other great tactics. In this video on you tube called, “Hard Times”, Mr. Burns a mean, wealthy, and very rich old man loses all of his assets, including his “Treasures of a Lifetime”, which he sells two for ninety-nine cents. They even airlift his mansion out of there with three helicopters. This all happens with bleak and cloudy skies, and then Mr. Burns begins to walk through the local park. The skies are clear, and there are children playing on the plays cape. He notices regular enemies rather friendly to each other and he has a bewildered look on his face. In the next scene, Apu, the local Quick E Mart owner buys an arm full of Coca-Cola’s and hands one to Mr. Burns. As soon as he takes one sip, he is overwhelmed and puts on a huge smile. All the people that just looted his house pick him up celebrating a good time all together. Everyone comes together and are all merrily playing and at the end of the commercial it says, “Coca-Cola: Open Happiness!”

The message in this video shows how Coca-Cola is a great ice breaker. These enemies that are walking through the park together are not trying to attack each other, but rather they are helping each other and being generically friendly. For example, a criminal is handcuffed to a police officer, but they are not fighting one another, they both have their arms around each other and walking together, enjoying a refreshing Coca-Cola. I believe that this commercial is trying to tell the viewers that are watching that no matter what happens in your life, and no matter what adversity you are facing, if you have a coca cola, you are going to have a great time.

All in all, after watching this commercial, I was definitely craving a refreshing coca cola, maybe even a bag of lays to go with it. I know that I am not the only one that is drawn in by their marketing tactics however, after watching the episode in class about Coca Cola, my friend Brett turns to me and says, “I don’t know about you, but after watching that, I am craving a Coke.”


1 comment:

Carter Rouleau said...

I very much agree. I did my post on the same Commercial. I think that it is a great marketing idea to have a slogan such as "open happiness". I also think they made the whole aspect of the advertisement positive and happy. When people see this advertisement, they will want to purchase their product and create their own happiness just like in the commercial.