Lawn Doctor has been around for more than 40 years with over 500 franchises set up in 4o different states. Lawn Doctor has also been rated number 1 consistently for over 30 years in the lawn care franchise industry business by Entrepreneur Magazine. My reasoning to blog about Lawn Doctor is because the lawn care industry has always interested me. With this franchise it will allow me to save money. My reasoning for this because although I would be investing a lot of money into the franchise, starting it on my own would be much more difficult. The great thing about this company is that literally anyone can do it. Lawn Doctor provides all its new franchisees with on the spot training. They also provide a support system on the way which will teach the franchisee how to run a successful lawn care business. Lawn Doctor helps its franchisees out tremendously when first starting out. They give the franchisee state of the art computer software to make it easier to run the business, they provide a fantastic marketing program which will provide more customers and more profit. The one thing about Lawn Doctor is that they want you to make money, and they will help you do so. They never leave you alone; they always have a staff of talented professionals there to help you out. Lawn Doctor also provides a lot of freedom though. Basically, when you buy the franchise, it is considered your business now, you just have to make payments to them then you keep the rest. Although people believe this is not the right path, but Lawn Doctor states that all of their franchises are in fact locally own, the owners of the franchise are just their as back up just in case. Critics of the lawn care industry proclaim that there is very little money in this business, yet the only money you spend is the initial investment then your franchise payments. Lawn Doctor has an average gross sale of 393,829 and a 69% average gross profit margin. There is in fact a lot of money to be made in this industry. New England is one of the busiest region of the United States for lawn care, whether it’s cutting grass, spring clean ups, and fertilizing lawns. To start this franchise, the investment is between 50,000 to 100,000 dollars, it is so expensive because you need to buy the right supplies and machines. I believe if I was to start this franchise in my home town it would flourish because there is a big demand for landscaping companies. As said in the book "Franchising has penetrated every aspect of U.S. and global business life by offering products and services that are reliable, convenient, and competitively priced". This is exactly what Lawn Doctor has done, and has done it very well. The website I used to find this information was Lawn Doctors,
I think this is very interesting. I never even thought about lawn care as a franchise that you could flourish in. I'm sure that you could make a good amount of money in this business but probably not as much as many others. It is a seasonal job, so you can really only make money nine out of the twelve months in a year. This can have its perks as well because if you do very well in those nine months, you can have a very nice vacation. On the other side of that, if you do not do very well you will have to find a second job too. I think that this job has some serious ups and downs but the opportunity to make money is always there. It is a very easy place to try and start your career and it could land you in a very profitable buinesss if you have a good enough work ethic.
I would have to agree with Shaun the lawn industry is very interesting and also very true that anyone can start a company. But that is also a problem with that industry because one, there is already a ton of lawn companies out there competing against each other and two, with economy being awful and all, there is a lot of unemployed people that are out there that want to make a new start and make there own hours so they start a landscaping because it is so easy to do. So the already completive business just got even more competitive just because of the economy. However, other than that I can also see why it is so popular in New England. We have four different seasons in one year and only wintertime is the only time you cannot landscape. Other than that, it is perfect because spring time is when you clean your lawn up and then summer time rolls around is when you make your yard very nice so when people drive by it they will say how nice it is. Finally when fall comes around you will have to clean up all the leafs in peoples yard. So landscaping in New England is a perfect place to start.
I feel like that starting a franchise in lawn care could be one of the biggest risks in starting a franchise. There are 2 reasons for this. The first reason is that there are thousands of deferent lawn care companies. A way i can prove this is that in your blogpost you stated that Lawn Doctor has been rated the number 1 lawn care franchise for over 30 years, but yet i have never heard of it. I live in a small town and i could name at least 5 different lawn care companies that are in the local area. Another reason a lawn care franchise can be risky is that the job is weather permitting. Unless you live somewhere where its warm year round then it would only be a seasonal job. Also you cant work when its raining outside. Im not saying all lawn care franchises are unsuccessful. If your company is in s place with good weather and doesn't have way to much competition then it can be a very successful franchise and i wish you the best of luck if you end up pursuing opening your own Lawn Doctor.
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