Hillary White
Professor Fleury-Lawson
Business and Society
Steve Jobs was a computer genius. He was an American inventor and entrepreneur. He was co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Jobs was co-founder and previously served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney. He knew everything and anything about computers and technology. If it wasn’t for Steve Jobs, our technology would not be as high tech as it is today.
What would anyone ever do with out there iPods, iPhones, iPads, etc. Steve Jobs changed the way people look at and use technology today. He changed the way people listen to music, talk on cell phone and the way people use computers. Watching his speech that he gave to Stanford University graduating students in 2005 really inspired me and I’m sure inspired others. I remember him talking about waking up each day and thinking about what you’re going to do today and if it will make you happy, and if it doesn’t make you happy, then you need to change that. He is a true inspiration, role model, hero to many people. I remember him stating that if he never got fired from apple then he would not be where he is today. In the business world you need to fail in order to succeed sometimes. Some of the most successful people out there have failed at least once in order to be standing where they are today. And that’s exactly what Steve Jobs did. He probably would have never created Apple, Pixar etc. if he never got fired from apple. But eventually he got picked up again from Apple.
The lessons that people can learn from listening to Steve Jobs is that he is definitely an extremely hard and committed worker. He put all his time and effort into whatever he chose to create. He was a very successful entrepreneur. Knowing that Steve Jobs was adopted and didn’t finish
college really made some people realize how amazing it is that he became so successful without a college degree. These days you need a college degree for almost any career you want to pursue in. Most believe that you will not survive in the real world without a college degree. Steve Jobs got very lucky. From what I have learned from watching both of these videos about Steve Jobs is that
he was extremely successful. Unfortunately Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011 at a very young age of 56. He told everyone not to mourn over his death but to celebrate the accomplishment he had in his life. He is widely described as a visionary, pioneer and genius as of today.
I agree with you when you say that Steve Jobs is a true role model. I believe that many teenagers need to watch the videos on Steve Jobs because they don’t have a full understanding of him. The probably don’t know that they would not have their IPhones, IPods, Laptops, or IPads without him. Most teenagers take for granted what they have and don’t recognize the people who created them. I am one of them. After learning about his background and how he made it to the business, I have so much respect for him. I know that I couldn’t go a day without my cell phone or laptop so now I am grateful for his ideas. He is a genius in my eyes and a great business man because you got right back up when he got knocked down when he got fired from Apple. He also has inspired me for when I grow up. If I get fired or don’t get the job, don’t give up. When Steve Jobs got fired, he made his own company. I am not saying I will go out and make my own company but I will try and try again. Steve Jobs truly changed the world and bad this world a better place with his inventions.
Hillary, I really enjoyed your post. I completely agree with you when you called Steve Jobs a “computer genius.” I believe his ideas and innovations have changed our society forever. I also agree that without Steve Jobs, our technology would not be as high tech as it is today. I think it is interesting that you pointed out how Mr. Jobs has changed the way we use technology today by changing the way we listen to music, talk on the phone and use computers. His speech at Stanford University also inspired me as well. I do believe that sometimes you need to fail in order to succeed and Steve Jobs is a perfect example of that. I agree that he is a very hard worker and extremely committed to what he does. I think that Steve Jobs’ passing at such a young age is quite sad, but I realize he does not want others to mourn over his death, but to celebrate his accomplishments and his life. I do agree, Steve Jobs was a genius.
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