Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Mac - Billy

Global Mcdonalds

In the movie we watched in class, I learned numerous things. I learned that McDonalds is not just a fast food restaurant that has teenage cookers who is experiencing their first time cooking. The restaurant also has many healthy options instead of the fatty foods most eat. Finally, I came into knowledge of the actual amount of people that McDonalds actually serves per day. I would have never known these facts, if I never had watched this movie.

As I began to watch this movie Big Mac, I was shocked to find out that McDonalds has professional cookers, even worked at the Four Seasons to cook there. The chef works on many numerous things and has made things like the McDonalds parfait, and all the salads that they have there too. He later on explained that the food has to be simple enough that all the cooks around the world can make it, but also taste adequate to every customer as well. This movie taught me a lot about what goes on behind the counter of McDonalds as well.

Moreover, I came to the realization that McDonald’s regular customers are so heavy, by their own choice. It is just as simple to order one of McDonald’s salads and water off the menu, which only would be 100 calories. Yet, instead people want to eat a Big Mac, large fry, and a soda which would be about 1,280 calories instead. All in all, you get what you paid for, a meal for over 1,000 calories or a meal for 100 calories. You can decide! Look for yourself

Last but not least, the fact that most was most outstanding in my opinion, would be the actual amount of people that McDonald’s serves in a day. In the movie, it stated that in the United States alone, McDonald’s serves over fifteen million customers per day! Approximately, two million pounds of beef per day! Also, McDonald’s is moving, and expanding to China, where there population is about 1.3 billion.

In conclusion, McDonald’s is not only pretty much the most dominate fast food chain in America, but is also expanding globally. McDonald’s has people working in it from teenagers in high school, to professional chefs that have worked in the four seasons. They also have healthy, well balanced choices for everyone to eat. Finally, the amount of people that they serve in a day is already staggering, yet it is still increasing.

1 comment:

Brett Franciosi said...

I also agree that I was amazed to discover that McDonalds had professional chefs because when you open the cheeseburger it seems like they just threw the burger together but it was supposedly carefully crafted. Another thing I agree with and can’t wait to see, are the statistics of McDonalds in China because as you mentioned there population is 1.3 billion and the chance for success is everywhere in a country that size.
The thing I like most about the article is that McDonalds offers these healthier options such as apples, but yet people continue to order the cheeseburgers and fries. So I completely agree that with you that the decision is ultimately up to you and you get what you pay for, it’s just what the calorie count you want is.