Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Business and Society

Gabrielle Sartell
Business & Society
Homework 10

Taking Business and Society was an experience I will take with me for years to come. I have learned a lot of interesting and valuable material that will come in handy in my future. Topics that we discussed in class this semester are the five key components to having a successful business, entrepreneurship, management, and SWOT. One topic that caught my interest in Business and Society was Entrepreneurship. By reviewing the chapters and listening to young entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerburg, entrepreneurship was a topic that made me have faith in myself. We covered a lot that had to do with entrepreneurship and I learned a lot along the way. I learned that in order to be successful you have to take risks. Mark took a risk and succeeded. He was devoted to this website called Facebook, and worked very hard to develop this online social website. I also learned the basic traits which is having an idea then developing that idea into a billion dollar corporation. I learned that it doesn't matter the age, if you have an idea take that idea and go with it. You are never to young or old to follow your dreams. If you love what you do, you will never have to work a day in your life. When you follow your idea, you will succeed in many ways. There are many talented people in the world, but those who don’t follow their dreams ever succeed. Entrepreneurs have a lot of good characteristics. They all are devoted, energetic, action- orientated and self- nurturing. As stated in the book “You must believe in your idea even when no one else does, and be able to replenish your own enthusiasm" (pg 148). When you are your own boss you have to be confident in your company and your employees. You have to believe in yourself and staff if you want to be successful. Entrepreneurs develop their idea to reality. Another important characteristic to have in order to be a successful entrepreneur is energetic. If you have a positive attitude at work, your employers will be positive which equals success for your business. Your employees look up to the boss. By being positive and energetic your consumers will be coming back for more. "You must be emotionally, mentally, and physically, able to work long and hard” (pg. 148). The knowledge that I have learned through being an successful entrepreneur will defiantly help me in my professional life. Success is in the palm of my hands. By staying determined and following my dream, I will never give up on my goals and ideas. Since I’m at Nichols College, I learned that this is the perfect opportunity to take risks and develop a future for myself. I learned a lot in this class and will continue to follow my dream no matter how many risks I have to face in order to accomplish my dream.

Links relating to Entrepreneurship:

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