Friday, October 14, 2011

Steve Jobs- Carter Rouleau

Steve Jobs was a very talented individual that had a dream to make the World's best technology.  When Steve Jobs was a young man in college he decided to drop out to start his own company.  Dropping out was probably the most important choice he made.  It allowed him to start his company right away.  After a couple years, Steve Jobs got fired from his company, only to be rehired later because they realized that they needed him.  that was the best decision for their company because Steve Jobs made the company the number one technology company in the World.  After Steve Jobs came out with the ipod, iphone, and macbook computer the company's stock skyrocketed.  We can definetly learn a lot from Steve Jobs.  Steve Jobs came out with a lot of technology that we wouldn't of had without him.  He gave many company's ideas for new innovations for technology.  Even though Steve Jobs was fighting through cancer, he kept working and coming up with new items to enter the market.  This shows dedication and a true love for what he was doing.


Guy said...

I love that you mentioned his determination and the fact that he has a true love for what he does. He really is one of the most dedicated people I know. Even after being fired from the company he started, he continued to work hard and he made his dream come true by doing it. After his hard work with the company NeXT and Pixar, Jobs got hired back and he brought Apple to the top of the industry. His love for what he does also is showed because if he just considered that a job, he would never have had the strive to pursue his career in that industry after being fired.

Nicole Gajewski said...

Steve Jobs being back at Apple has definatley been a great thing. He brought new Ideas and certainly has made great decissions. His job meant a lot to him and thankfully he dropped out of college to have created such masterpieces of technology.